Not long to go!

OK year 5s. I know it’s getting close, so I’m not going to hold back. Over the next few weeks, I will share with you some practice exam questions that relate to O&G/women's health. You don't need to send any answers to me, although I'm happy to take questions by email if you have then. As far as the one below goes, you may have come across this clinical situation in other surgical terms.

I’ll forward the answers soon, so find some time to take a look the question before then. From a  learning perspective, I need to emphasise how important it is to attempt it yourself before you see the answers. Fully engaging your brain with a closed book is important for knowledge retention.

You’ve probably seen this before from me and others - the evidence base from cognitive neuroscience about learning: what works, what doesn't and why.

 All the best,


Post-operative care

You are the on-call intern for O&G this evening and take a telephone call from the ward about a patient who had a hysterectomy earlier today. The nurse tells you that the patient has passed the following urine outputs in the last 3 hours: 20mls, 9mls, 5mls.

You are in theatre, about to assist at a caesarean section.

List 4 potential causes of this situation. [4 marks]

Outline how you respond to the nurse on the telephone right now. [5 marks]

What do you do when you go to the ward?

1. Assessment [4 marks]

2. Investigations [3 marks]

3. Management [4 marks